We consult you in all inheritance and gift matters competently and comprehensively with our expert knowledge. From estate planning to the preparation of a will, we are there for you. In addition to our consulting services, we also offer you the possibility of acting as a representative of your heirs or executor of your will and support you in the administration of the estate, the direction of legacies and the division of the inheritance.
We accompany you from the consultation to the planning to the administration of the inheritance.
Advising in relation to legacies of the decedent by disposition in the will.
Inheritance division
Elaboration & proposal of a possible division of the estate to the community of heirs.
Advice and preparation of a will and, if necessary, the reference of relatives.
Heirs representative
Management of assets, accounting for income from assets.
Execution of will
We achieve a peaceful & efficient division of the estate.
Avoid inheritance disputes: Appoint an executor of will
Inheritance disputes are more common than you might think. Appoint a professional executor for your estate and have the certainty that the division of the estate can be carried out efficiently and peacefully.
Frequently asked questions about the execution of wills
What does an execution of will cost?
An execution of wills is charged according to time and effort in an hourly fee. At Expertiva AG this is CHF 240.00 per hour plus VAT. We cannot offer charging on a commission basis or a flat fee and this is also legally not acceptable.
How long does an execution of will last?
An execution of a will takes different amounts of time and depends on the complexity. For simple cases, a reference value of 4 - 12 months is considered to be a good empirical value. In difficult cases, a division of the estate can take up to 3 years.
How can I appoint an executor?
An executor is appointed by a testamentary disposition of the testator. Usually this is a will, which is kept in a safe place or deposited with an official body.
Can I appoint only a natural person?
No. You can appoint both natural persons and legal entities. However, the appointment is highly personal. However, in the case of a natural person, there is a risk of default (illness, accident, death).
What happens if the heirs argue and do not agree?
An executor is supposed to bring about a peaceful & efficient settlement of the estate. In case of conflict, we mediate between the parties and always seek a solution that takes into account the interests of all parties in the best possible way.
Can the heirs dismiss the executor?
No. An executor is appointed by the testator and cannot be changed or removed by the heirs. However, the heirs are free to deviate from the inheritance distribution proposal unanimously.